Monday, August 30, 2010

your name is what?

okay, so i was at the hospital earlier today (i'm fine) and i heard a lady get called over the intercom. her last name was overthehill. yeah...i'm not lying. so i started thinking, what is origin of last names? to me it makes since when we are trying to distinguish between people, we associate them with something they do, have done, or location. for example, the convo may go like this:

"hey have you seen jim?"
"he's in jail isn't he?"
"nah, not jim the gangsta, i'm talking about jim the mechanic. my car's messed up!"

you know what i mean. this suggests to me that when people were choosing last names, the overthehill family well...they lived over the hill. yeah. anyway, that got boring so i decided to seek out the most messed up names period and i came across these...enjoy!

01) Urhines Kendall Icy Eight Special K (pronouced "your highness"...puh-leezze!)
02) GoldenPalaceDotCom Silverman (first to be named after a website)
03) Joker Arroyo (a senator in philippines...i wonder who voted for him)
04) Brfxxccxxmnpcccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116 (pronounced "albin"...yeah i don't see it either)
05) (temporary name change)
06) Nicholas Unless-Jesus-Christ-Had-Died-For-Thee-Thou-Hadst-Been-Damned Barbon (uh huh...)
07) God Shammgod (yeah...that ain't right)
08) Batman Bin Suparman (not to be confused with "aquaman bin robin")
09) Dick Assman (i won't even touch that one)
10) @ (pronounced "ai ta" which means "love him")

read the story behind these names here

please be kind to your kids and name them something they can actually get a job with! i'm just saying...

if nobody feels you, i feels you, feel me?
be easy coz life is hard...

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